How To Spice Up Your Romantic Life

When you are first with your partner, you cannot seem to get enough of them, right?  All you want to do is touch and feel them, get naked and take them all in.  You could literally go hours and hours with your lovemaking and come up with all sorts of ways to “do it.” Your imagination runs wild.

Fast forward two, three or twenty years. Boredom has definitely set in. In fact, sex may be the furthest thing from your mind. You have kids, a job, a house, outside commitments, or your partner just doesn’t “turn you on” much anymore.  Sounds familiar?  That’s where I, as your Pure Romance Consultant, come in to help revive that spark in your romantic relationship.

Sex is very important to a relationship, and the mismatch of desire is one of the top reasons couples get divorced.  So it is important that you open the lines of communication with your partner to ensure he or she is feeling that they are on the receiving end of your intimacy and conversely, able to express their intimacy towards you.  After all, masturbation only goes so far, especially when there is another involved.

When I talk about spicing things up, it could be something as simple as adding a flavored lubricant to your foreplay and intercourse.  As we age, a good lubricant is a must, not only to prevent microtears which can cause infection and pain, but lubrication makes for more comfortable sex.  If it’s more comfortable, you may want it more often.  Adding flavor can make oral exploration more fun.  Anything that can make intimacy more fun can increase the likelihood you will want to partake more often.

Fantasy play is also a way to liven your bedroom activity.  Talk with your partner about what types of role playing you’ve always wanted to try, but maybe been too shy to ask about.  Perhaps 50 Shades of Gray has always been a turn-on for you, and you’ve always wanted to be restrained to the bed.  We have a product called Bed, Bondage and Beyond which fits under  your bed and uses a four-point Velcro restraint system you can tuck under your mattress when not in use.

Vibrating toys are always fun to explore, and we have them in all shapes and sizes.  If your partner is afraid that you will find one that will replace him (not that you don’t already have a great one tucked away in your nightstand), take a look through the Toy section here on my website for all the choices available to you.  As always, if you have any questions, you can always message me by clicking on the button on the front page.  I will answer you discreetly.

The important thing about sex IS to have fun.  Orgasms are healthy for you, your body, your mind and your relationship.  Don’t let boredom be the cause of you not getting what you need and deserve!

Thanks so much for reading!


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Trish Stoecker
I retired from the Army in 2016 after 32 years of service, including two overseas deployments. After I got settled, I wanted to start my own business, and Pure Romance quite literally fell into my lap. I love what I do, and the first time a woman approached me and told me I "changed her life," I knew I made the right choice. Pure Romance is more than just toys: We are all about Educating, Empowering, and Entertaining women to enhance their relationships and help them feel better about themselves.
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