With so many choices and varieties in the marketplace today, it can take some time plus trial and error to find a vibrator that you feel was made with you in mind. But when you do find that perfect one, the one you absolutely love, then you know it, and it has a special place in your bedside table. Unfortunately, even though you think they will, you hope they will, you pray they will, they won’t last forever. They stop keeping a charge, or worse yet, you lose the charging cord on your business trip to Cleveland. You go back to the manufacturer and find it has been discontinued and is now considered “classic.” So what do you do? How do you go about replacing your discontinued, or classic, vibrator?
You could very well be in luck. Having been a Pure Romance Consultant since 2017, I still have a number of toys in my inventory from various collections dating back that far. I get requests all the time from women who say they can’t believe I have their favorite toy in stock and are thankful they found my website. I get e-mails quite frequently from customers asking if I really do have that classic vibrator in stock. When I respond to them, they are so happy they often order multiples.
I also carry discontinued scents in the bath and body products for both men and for women, as well as flavors of Whipped, Sensations, and Just Like Me lubricants and men’s cologne. In fact, if I don’t have it in stock, I may be able to locate it for you through my network of contacts. Send me an e-mail query, and if it is available, I will find it for you.
Whether you are looking for something specific from the Kalypso, Euforia, Hypnotic, Stardust, Seductive Spotlight, RGB, Nightfall, or any of our other classic collections, search through my inventory to see if I have it in stock. I have discounted many of these items as well, and they will be in the Sale section. Don’t forget to grab your favorite lubricant, Cleansing Mist and a Toy Tote to keep your products clean and protected. There’s nothing I love hearing more than a client telling me they never thought they’d find their favorite toy again. Do you have a favorite toy or product? I’d love to hear about it!
Thanks so much for reading!